What is the nature of the work of the church? The Lord’s body with Christ at the head "And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to…
None of the Apostles, Prophets or Evangelists were about lording- over the Christians. There was no move to establish an ecclesiastical board with management powers. Their purpose was to take…
The Church is a living organism where Christ is the head and Christians are the “body parts." There are basic relationships in the Church. Individual relationship to the head and Individual relationships…
Upon this rock I will build my assembly If the church is not an institution, –It should not have an institutional name An assembly is to be “built” not “established”,…
You and I are a part of Christ’s body, His church. His desire is that we grow and mature and become more like Him. He has put everything in place,…
Those of us who are Christians enjoy a special privilege. When we put Christ on in baptism, the Lord added us to those who were being saved. This saved group…