The Ladies of the Waverly congregation are involved in many areas of ministry. The
majority of these projects are planned and implemented through our Ladies’ Bible Class
that meets on Wednesday mornings, September-May. If you are in attendance here and
want to be involved with this ministry, please contact our office and someone there will
be of service to you.

Children and Youth

Fuel Program-This is a program that feeds school-age children over the week-end
September-May. Our ladies help furnish and pack the food for delivery to the school.

Coupons for Education-Each school in the county uses box tops, labels, etc. to redeem
for money and use the money for any items needed. These can be found on many of our
purchased products. These are collected and given to a student, teacher, or parent.

Coins for Camp-Extra change is collected in our Ladies’ Bible classes each week to help
send a child to Leatherwood Bible Camp each summer. Some of our ladies also serve as
staff during “our week” at camp.


Mentoring-We are blessed to have several of our ladies who help chaperone and work in
our youth program. They are involved in many ways in Challenge Youth Conference in
February, Exposure Youth Camp in December, Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes, monthly
devotionals, and Youth Rally weekends.

For more information about the Youth and Family Ministry program at Waverly, please
visit   Waverly Church of Christ Youth page.


Basket Ministry-A list of needed items is posted three/four times a year for the items
needed for the baskets. A basket with personal items, reading material, fruit, snack, and
etc is made age and gender appropriate for those in the hospital. These are for friends,
relatives, as well as members of our congregation and may be picked up in the church

Card ministry-Cards of all kinds are sent through our Ladies’ Bible Classes to those in
need. Requests for cards are taken.

Ladies’ Day-We host Ladies’ Day the 3rd Saturday in October of each year. We are
encouraged by a wonderful lesson, meeting ladies from other congregations, and getting
to know them better as we share a meal with them. We also get to work with our own
sisters in the many hours of preparation for the day and get to know them better.

Bereavement Committees-Food is furnished to those who have lost loved ones.


Classroom teachers-Our ladies are very active in teaching and mentoring weekly Bible
classes, Vacation Bible School, and the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes program.

El Salvadorian Missions-Our congregation sponsors an in-country missionary in El
Salvador. Our sister congregations help us furnish any needs that might arise. Several
ladies make clothing for the children. Several of our families go down every July to work
one week with several congregations in the area.

Ladies Bible Class

****Wednesday Morning Ladies’ Bible Class-We meet September-May. We have several
ladies who take turns teaching. We learn a lot about God’s Word and ourselves. This class
serves as a base for most of our ladies’ ministries.
****We also have a class that meets year round on Wednesday night.

Taking care of our Elderly-

Soup Ministry-A meal of homemade soup, salad, bread, and dessert is delivered to the
homes of our elderly and shut-ins during the winter. They love the food as well as the

Taking Care of our Shut-ins-

Nursing Homes and an Assisted Living Home-We have two nursing homes, American Health Communities (AHC) and Humphreys County Nursing Home (HCNH), and one assisted living home,
Magnolia Place, in our town. Our ladies class makes little gifts to deliver when they visit
the residents.


“…that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good
work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to
His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father
who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.”
Colossians 1:10-12