Go Fish! Becoming Fishers of Men | Waverly Church of Christ Go Fish! Becoming Fishers of Men | Waverly Church of Christ

Go Fish! Becoming Fishers of Men
May 23, 2021

Go Fish! Becoming Fishers of Men

Passage: Mark 1:16-20
Service Type:

In order to catch fish, you have to go where the fish are. The weather may be perfect. We may have all the right equipment. But we will never catch fish if we don’t go where the fish are. Statistics from a few years ago revealed that only 3% of all lost people come to church on their own. This means that 97% of those who are lost are outside these doors, alienated from God and without Christ. We must go where they are and share the Good News. We will never see any souls brought to Christ if we never go fishing. What about you, are you ready to go fishing?

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