Will The Circle Be Unbroken | Waverly Church of Christ Will The Circle Be Unbroken | Waverly Church of Christ

Will The Circle Be Unbroken
April 2, 2023

Will The Circle Be Unbroken

Passage: 1 PETER 4:7-11
Service Type:

If we were to consider all of redemptive history to be a play, you and I would be living during the last act. God created the heavens and the earth. Sin entered into His perfect creation through Satan’s temptation of Adam and Eve in the garden. God sent a flood to destroy the wickedness of man from the earth, but preserved one man, Noah, and his family with which to start over again. From his descendants, God chose one man, Abraham, and his descendants through which to bless mankind. He raised up the nation Israel by delivering them from their bondage in Egypt, and brought them into the land he had promised to Abraham hundreds of years earlier. Though that nation would prove unfaithful, God kept a remnant and ultimately brought forth His own Son as the One who would die to redeem the faithful. Through His death, burial and resurrection, He purchased salvation for those who would come to Him in obedient faith. He has returned to His Father’s right hand and is awaiting the day when the Father tells Him it is time to come back and claim His own. It is for this day that you and I now wait. The fact that “the end is near” is the guiding principle in all that we do. One of the proofs that you and I are Christians is not just that we have a hope for the future, but that this hope makes a difference in our lives today, in the present.  As we each live in expectation of our Lord’s second coming, there are some things which need to take priority in our lives.

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