Week of February 9, 2025


This Week.

Ladies Class

Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.


Mid-Week Bible Study

Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.


Class for School Age Children

We have a Wednesday Night class for K-8th grade children in the Enrichment Center.  


Coming Up.


Sunday Morning & Evening Worship Services

Every Sunday Morning & Sunday Evening.


Ladies Night Out

Thursday, Feb. 20th


Spring Special

March 22nd


For more detailed information about our activities & events coming up visit our Events page.





Prayers Needed.

Please pray for each of our loved ones and their families:

Pat Lambdin Capps is having some health issues and is in Horizon Medical Center.

Tammy Cole had heart surgery (daughter of Tammy Lopez).

Dot Davidson faces back surgery on Tuesday, February 11th.

Jennifer Dennis (grandmother of Bryer, Kayne, and Walker) is home on hospice. 

Patricia Dennis is battling cancer and requests prayers.

Connie Duke is in St. Thomas West and they are meeting with her doctors.

Larry Hayes has started his new treatment and says it is much better than chemo.  He says hello, they miss us and please keep praying because prayers work.

Vicky Jackson is now at home with home health care services.

Rob Jones is in Horizon hospital for rehab following a fall.  He does not have any broken bones.

Nellie Kavanagh is improving as she undergoes cardiac rehab.

Jeanne McDonald has requested prayers for her health.

Cindi Merrick in is Horizon with a knee infection.  She will be having surgery at some point.

Susan Miller has a broken foot.  She will see a surgeon soon.

Josephine Mosley is struggling with her cancer and has requested prayers (aunt of Teresa Forrest).

David Nowlin has completed his treatments. He is asking for prayers for a quick and full recovery from the side effects.  He appreciates all the cards, phone calls and prayers.

Gary Pace is in Horizon Medical Center after a fall (uncle to Susan Glenn, Sarah Durham and Ward Phillips).

George Palmer is at home recovering.  All went well with his heart ablation.

Janie Pruett has had COVID and will be going to Centerville for therapy.

Brenda Rudolph is now in Waverly Hills Post Acute, Room 206 (sister of Buddy Forrest).

Ruby Simms is having some heart issues (sister of Patty Derton).

James Schmidt is now at home.

Mark Tefft has been diagnosed with cancer.  He is in preparation for stem-cell treatments (son of Carmon and Faye Tefft).

Vance Weatherspoon had surgery for a broken hip.  He is in Horizon for rehab.


With Sympathy we send our love to the families of:

  • Sue Garrett
    • She was the sister of Sandra Davis. 

The Jesse Tree

The Jesse Tree is a journey through the stories on Jesus’s family tree.

Each week we will read a Bible story about someone on Jesus’s family tree. 

Please see your bulletin for details and the each week’s coloring emblem.

Extended Prayer Requests.

Larry Ayres, John Alsobrook, Marlene Bercik, Linda Boelter, Bobby Brown, Brenda Buchanan, Clyde Buchanan, Bonniece Bunch, Dot Cochran, Laurie Dabbs, Lori Daniel, Willard and Jean Ferguson, Harold Galbraith, Tim Hurt, Danny Jackson, Gerion James, Ruby James, Linda Johnson, Brian Kavanagh, Becky Keele, Donnie Keele, Dorothy Killebrew, Jeanette Killebrew, Tammy Lopez, Laura McArthur, Lynn McMurray, Johnny Medlin, Cynthia Merrick, Ron Miles, Art Miller, Carlton Miller, Cathy Moore, Nell Moody, Jeanette Moore, Vicki Moore, Mary Mulliniks, Thomas Patton, Steve Perry, Ronnie Pleasant, Kaitlyn Ross, Pat Rushton, James Schmidt, Carlton Tester, Carolyn Tucker, Nancy Short Turner, Minnie Lou Warren, Matthew Welch, Andy Webb, Judy Weatherspoon, Ann Withrow, and Bob Wheeler.


Those in the Nursing Homes:

American Health Communities: 

Amanda Hamm and Carolyn Tucker.


Those who are shut-in:

Linda Brazzle, Anita Curtis, Sandra Davis, Gerion James, Rob Jones, and Norma Morefield.


Those at Magnolia Place Assisted Living:  

Gary James, Ruby James, and Janie Pruett.


Out of Town Assisted Living/Nursing Home:

Tommy McCaleb.

Please remember those who are serving in the military and are away from their families.

Liz Campbell, United States Army, the niece of Teresa Forrest and Marlene Bercik, has been deployed to the Middle East.  Her address is on the board in the back hallway.


Message From The Elders

If you are interested in going to El Salvador in May, please talk to Mike Goodman as soon as possible.  Flights are filling up!  Mike – 931-209-2913.


We have a lot of upgrades in progress! We will conduct all worship services in the Enrichment Center  until the floor remodel is complete.  


On-line giving!  A new way to give your regular contribution, as well as donations. For flood relief choose the “special request” option on the drop down under the amount.


Online Giving


Reminder that our Nursing Homes services are conducted every 3rd Sunday of the month.  – Humphreys County Nursing Home at 2:00 p.m. and AHC at 3:00 p.m.


If you are willing to drive one of the buses, please pick up one of the sheets from the front or back table, fill it out, and give it to Dan or one of the secretaries.



Community Needs & Reminders



Potter Children’s Home Pantry Shopping List – Due Feb.16th. 

Fabric Softener Sheets, Women’s Deodorant, Miracle Whip, Sugar, Tomato Juice,  and Brownie or Cake mix



Donations are now being accepted for the last purchases for the FUEL program for the 2024-2025 school year.  Please see Becky or one of the secretaries.