The Goodness of God | Waverly Church of Christ The Goodness of God | Waverly Church of Christ

The Goodness of God
June 5, 2022

The Goodness of God

Passage: James 1:16-18
Service Type:

There is a statement which I heard a few years ago about the goodness of God. It goes like this: “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.” Perhaps, you also have heard these words. Let me ask you, do these words voice your sentiments about God, or are there times when you find yourself questioning the goodness of God. Is it possible that you have challenged the truthfulness of these words when ... Tragedy occurs in your life or the life of someone you love. You are suddenly let go from a job you needed to support your family. You find yourself in the midst of a divorce. Have you ever, in the midst of such circumstances, asked the question, “How can a loving God allow this to happen?” and then questioned the goodness of God. Such moments may come and go in our lives as Christians, but if we allow them to linger, they have the potential to destroy us spiritually.

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