The Difference That Christ Makes In Our Marriages | Waverly Church of Christ The Difference That Christ Makes In Our Marriages | Waverly Church of Christ

The Difference That Christ Makes In Our Marriages
February 26, 2023

The Difference That Christ Makes In Our Marriages

Passage: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Service Type:

You and I live in a society that values individual rights. As a matter of fact, we are often encouraged to stand up for our rights and even fight back when we believe we have been wronged. Time and again we are urged to pursue self-fulfillment. It is considered a virtue.  Those who live in an unfulfilled or difficult marriage are exhorted to leave, get out, do whatever they have to do to find personal happiness.  In this letter which we have been studying for the last few weeks, the apostle Peter challenges us to be living examples of the life to which God has called us. We are to be known for our honorable behavior and our good deeds (2:12). We are to submit ourselves to every human authority which God has placed over us, always doing what is right (2:15).  In our text this morning, Peter turns to our marriages and how we as husbands
and wives are to respond to our spouses.  Many in our culture would look at the verses which make up our text this morning and say that what Peter is requiring of us is antiquated and out of step with modern culture. It is oppressive, chauvinistic, and does not even deserve to be considered. However, if we are willing to examine these verses with an open mind I think we will find sound advice to make our marriages stronger and more Christlike.

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