The Best Is Yet to Be! | Waverly Church of Christ The Best Is Yet to Be! | Waverly Church of Christ

December 30, 2012

The Best Is Yet to Be!

Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:9
Service Type:

If you are a Christian, you must believe that the best is certainly yet to be. Each day of life here upon this earth, God oversees the remaking of His dear
child into the image of His beloved Son. As we draw nearer to the final day of our stay upon this planet we must know that what awaits is an "eternal weight
of glory far beyond all comprehension."

"Not once beat 'Praise be thine!'
I see the whole design,
I who saw power, see now love perfect too:
Perfect I call thy plan:
Thanks that I was a man!
Maker, remake, complete, -I trust what Thou shalt do!"

Are you willing to trust what God shall do in your life?

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