Being the Hands of Jesus | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 5 Being the Hands of Jesus | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 5

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3–6
Let’s be the hands of Jesus by pointing and guiding others to this righteousness of which Jesus speaks. You and I can make the lives of those around us and ultimately this community better if we will do that. However, we must not forget. We cannot lead others to a place where we have not gone ourselves. Do you hunger and thirst for this righteousness of which Jesus spoke? Are you seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness? If not, you will never reach a point in life where you are truly satisfied, because eternity beckons in your heart.