Being the Hands of Jesus In Our Hungering & Thirsting For Righteousness | Waverly Church of Christ Being the Hands of Jesus In Our Hungering & Thirsting For Righteousness | Waverly Church of Christ

Being the Hands of Jesus In Our Hungering & Thirsting For Righteousness
July 25, 2021

Being the Hands of Jesus In Our Hungering & Thirsting For Righteousness

Passage: Matthew 5:6
Service Type:

Hunger and thirst are two of the great driving forces in our lives. Our mind will not let us rest until we have satisfied these essential needs of our physical body. Today, as we think more about being the hands of Jesus, I would like for us to look more closely at this statement of our Lord and consider the following questions. What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness? What is the righteousness of which Jesus speaks? In what way will we be satisfied?

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