Jeff Keele | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 5 Jeff Keele | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 5

What Do You See?

September 24, 2023
In our text this morning, Luke introduces us to a woman that many had perhaps known for years, but she was no longer at the forefront of their attention. Jesus,…

Living In Anticipation

September 17, 2023
I imagine all of us have had something in our lives for which we waited expectantly. Perhaps in your mind, it seemed like it just couldn’t get here fast enough.…
Here, in the beginning of his second letter, Peter reminds them, and us as well, that God’s “divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Peter…
Does it matter what we believe? Yes, because only the truth can set us free. Does it matter what we teach? Again, yes, because the eternal destiny of souls are…

I Believe

August 20, 2023
Have you ever been accused of making something up, of telling a fanciful tale?  Perhaps as a child someone told you that you had quite the imagination. How do you…