Jeff Keele | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 23 Jeff Keele | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 23

Have you ever noticed that people who love to fish, really love to fish. These people will fish in all kinds of weather throughout the year It’s amazing what some people will do to catch a fish. Today, we are going to look at a different type of fishing. One to which Jesus called four of His disciples. Becoming Fishers of Men.
“The future of society is in the hands of the mothers.” (de Beaufort) “Men may build cities and railroads; they span rivers and tunnel mountains. But the mothers of men are the builders of civilization.” (C.A. Stewart) “Mothers write on the hearts of their children what the world’s rough hand cannot erase.” (Anonymous
How many of us have been unwilling to forgive a person even one time when they sought our forgiveness? How many of us grudgingly forgave one time, but were unwilling to do so a second time? How many of us would have been willing to go Peter’s seven times, but set our limit there?
According to Mark 15:39, there was a centurion who was standing right in front of Jesus at the cross. When he saw the way Jesus took His last breath, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
The question for each of us is simple: To whom will you prove to be a neighbor? Will you be the hands of Jesus by being a messenger of His compassion to a world that is lost and in great need.
You and I still have the same choice before us today: a. Either, Jesus is a complete fraud, 1) If this is true, then you and I must avoid Him at all costs. b. Or, everything He said about Himself is true. 1) In which case He is the Son of God. 2) You and I have no other to whom we may turn for our salvation. Which will you decide?