Our God Is Wise | Waverly Church of Christ Our God Is Wise | Waverly Church of Christ

Our God Is Wise
January 22, 2023

Our God Is Wise

Passage: Daniel 2:20-22
Service Type:

What does it mean to say that God is wise? What did Daniel mean when he said that wisdom belongs to God? The wisdom of which the Bible speaks has both a moral and an intellectual quality to it. To be truly wise from the Bible’s perspective, we must be able to harness our intelligence and our cleverness and utilize them for the right purpose. Wisdom is the power to see, and the inclination to choose, the best and highest goal, along with the surest means of attaining it. Wisdom is our moral goodness put to practical use. Having said all this, wisdom in its fulness is found only in God. God alone is entirely and consistently wise. Just as power, truth and goodness are integral elements of who God is, so is wisdom. Tonight, as we seek to better know the God we serve, I would like for us to examine His wisdom . . .
a. The fact that it accomplishes His purposes in our lives.
b. How He accomplishes those purposes.
c. How God’s wisdom is at work in our lives today.

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