Our God Is Majestic | Waverly Church of Christ Our God Is Majestic | Waverly Church of Christ

Our God Is Majestic
February 5, 2023

Our God Is Majestic

Passage: DEUTERONOMY 29:11
Service Type:

Over the last few weeks on Sunday, we have sought to know God just a little better. One of the aspects of His character which cannot escape our notice is the fact that the God you and I serve is majestic. To say that God is majestic is to say that he exhibits majesty. What is majesty? We often hear a king or queen referred to as “Your majesty,” but what does it mean? Our word ‘majesty’ comes from a Latin root (magis) which has to do with greatness. When we ascribe greatness to someone, we are acknowledging greatness in that person and voicing our respect for him or her (i.e., ‘Her Majesty’ the Queen). While the Bible does present to us God’s concern for His people — things like His gentleness, His tenderness, His sympathy and the compassion He has for us, it never lets us lose sight of His majesty, and His unlimited dominion over all His creation.

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