Living For The Will Of God | Waverly Church of Christ Living For The Will Of God | Waverly Church of Christ

Living For The Will Of God
March 26, 2023

Living For The Will Of God

Passage: 1 PETER 4:1-6
Service Type:

I want to encourage you to live a life of purity. It may mean that you will suffer for your faith. Know that if you are treated unjustly it is because you have made a conscious break with sin and are seeking to live your life in a way that imitates Christ. Also, know that Satan is the one who, behind the scenes, continues to fight against you, trying to get you to go back to your old life. Let me also encourage you to live your life in view of the end. There is a day of judgment coming, in which Jesus will judge the living and the dead. Keep working to share the gospel with others around you. Pray that “God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 2:25) and ultimately eternal life.

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