In Overcoming Boredom | Waverly Church of Christ In Overcoming Boredom | Waverly Church of Christ

November 4, 2012

In Overcoming Boredom

Passage: 1 John 5:4-5
Service Type:

Solomon learned after a life of excess that this world has nothing lasting to off through exciting at first, it all proved "vanity" (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11). He then concluded that true purpose of man was to "fear God and keep His commandments" (Ecclessiastes 12:13).

If he had only listened to his father, David, who wrote about the "great reward" in keeping God's commandments (Psalm 19:7-11), Solomon might not have experienced so much vanity in his life.

Boredom is a result of pre-occupation with the "vanity" of this life; Jesus came to deliver us from any sense of
listlessness and discontent, He does so by giving us purpose and direction in life, that we might find great joy in serving God and His children!

When people are willing to believe in Jesus and become His disciples, there is no reason for boredom in their lives!

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