A Case of Mistaken Identity | Waverly Church of Christ A Case of Mistaken Identity | Waverly Church of Christ

February 10, 2013

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Passage: Matthew 7:13-27
Service Type:

There is a tragic kind of mistaken Identity described in the Bible, which is also one of the most common. It is mistaken assumption that all religious roads lead to heaven. I believe that Hell will be populated not just by athiests or agnostics but by religious people as well.

Jesus put before His audience the choice which every man must make, the choice between mere religion and Christianity. We have two gates, the Narrow Gate and the Wide Gate. We have two kinds of guides of which we are to distinguish. We have to foundations upon which men build their lives.

Our lord did not leave us to satisfy our curiosities. What He taught demands decision.

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