Working Together With God’s Stewards
If you are an elder, a leader, an overseer of a congregation of Christians you are one of “God’s stewards” and as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:2, “it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (ESV). The first time we read of elders in the church was when the brethren at Antioch sent a contribution for relief of the Christians living in Judea to the elders of the church in Jerusalem (Acts 11:30). “And this they did, sending it in charge of Barnabas and Saul to the elders.” (Acts 11:30, NASB95) In the New Testament we do not find elders being anointed like Aaron and his sons (Levitucus 8:12). Appointment to the eldership is not a holy sacrament. But you work to know the members of the congregation you lead. The members identify with you, In John 10:14, Jesus not only said, “I know My own” but also “My own know Me.” If you keep working to imitate Christ in your lives, you can’t go wrong in your leadership.