Who Is By Your Side? | Waverly Church of Christ Who Is By Your Side? | Waverly Church of Christ

July 29, 2018

Who Is By Your Side?

Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MfZXuOYu7A?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

Who is by your side? It is someone that is important to you. They mean something to you or else you wouldn't have them with you.

The desire to be with someone you care about no matter what has happens is a sensation that dwells in all of us.

When it comes to the Bible, we can see countless individuals who had someone with them who cared about them greatly and wanted what was best for them.

In this lesson, let's pinpoint a few different pairs of people who impacted each other, but also see that they weren't the only ones who cared.

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