When We Cannot Do What Jesus Did | Waverly Church of Christ When We Cannot Do What Jesus Did | Waverly Church of Christ

When We Cannot Do What Jesus Did
March 28, 2021

When We Cannot Do What Jesus Did

Passage: John 20:26-29
Service Type:

There are a lot of lessons, several will be shared, to be learned from the hands of Jesus and what he did that we ourselves cannot do. When we cannot do what Jesus did…we need to take a closer look at what Jesus was teaching by what he did and do those things. Work to bring people to Jesus, so he can heal them. Receive the people who come. Know that it is ok to experience and even show emotion. Do what other people avoid doing. Give attention to those who need attention and those who are looking for help. View everyone as important, even the smallest of children. Pray for the people who will continue the work of our Lord; pray for God to flood his blessings upon them. Share the gospel with everyone for “it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”

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