What Our Prayers Say About Us | Waverly Church of Christ What Our Prayers Say About Us | Waverly Church of Christ

What Our Prayers Say About Us
July 21, 2024

What Our Prayers Say About Us

Passage: Luke 18:9-14
Service Type:

Today, in our reading this morning, we find Jesus telling another parable on prayer, this one about two men going up to the Temple to pray, Jesus’ focus is upon what our prayers reveal about our hearts.  As we examine this parable it is important that each of us stop to examine ourselves and ask “What do my prayers tell God about me?” Many of us came here today to worship, but how many of us have truly worshiped. Many of us came here today to worship, but how many of us have truly worshiped.
As we have sung our songs, prayed our prayers, partaken of our Lord’s Supper, and listened to His Word proclaimed, God has looked into our hearts. What has He seen? Have we in humility pleaded with Him to make us righteous? Will we leave here eternally grateful for the richness of His mercy? If you haven’t humbled your heart before God, why not do so today. Let Him cleanse you and give you a new life. As we have sung our songs, prayed our prayers, partaken of our Lord’s Supper, and listened to His Word proclaimed, God has looked into our hearts. What has He seen? Have we in humility pleaded with Him to make us righteous? Will we leave here eternally grateful for the richness of His mercy? If you haven’t humbled your heart before God, why not do so today. Let Him cleanse you and give you a new life.

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