What Is Our Mission? | Waverly Church of Christ What Is Our Mission? | Waverly Church of Christ

December 8, 2019

What Is Our Mission?

Passage: Luke 4:14-21
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ2TgbBPzJY&w=600&h=315]

In all of life it is good once and a while to take stock of where we are and where we should be going.

a. Students — What am I seeking to accomplish with my education and where
am I at in the process?

b. Marriage — Where are we at in our marriage? How can we improve?

c. Business — What is our mission? How are we doing in staying true to it?

d. Church — What is our Lord’s intention for us as His people? Are we serving our original purpose?

It is often easy to become sidetracked and lose our way. When it comes to this body of believers, let us ask ourselves if we reflect the image of Jesus our Lord. In our text today, Jesus sets before us a yardstick by which we might measure ourselves.
Let’s look more closely at why our Father sent His Son into this world and ask ourselves if we still have the same vision and are striving for the same goals.

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