True or False | Waverly Church of Christ True or False | Waverly Church of Christ

December 10, 2017

True or False

Passage: Philippians 3:1-3
Service Type:

Is your focus today on a version of Christianity which
a. looks down upon those of a different race or ethnicity
b. seeks salvation on the basis of doing all the right things
c. focuses on the externals and not the internals.

If so, please know that this is a counterfeit version of Christianity which Satan seeks to pass off as the real thing.

Instead, let me point you in another direction, toward a faith which . . .
a. Seeks to worship God in the Spirit
b. Boasts only in what Christ has done in us.
c. Puts no confidence in our human achievements or goodness.

Today, won’t you give your life in obedient faith to God so that He might, through His abundant mercy, save you through His washing of regeneration (baptism) and renewal of the Holy Spirit.

Let Him take away all the sin which has so distorted your life and start afresh as His new creation in Christ Jesus.

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