In the ninth chapter of John’s gospel, we encounter a miracle which stands out among all the recorded miracles which Jesus performed. It is the only miracle in the gospels…
We now know who Jesus claimed to be — the Son of God who came to this earth to glorify His Father. He did this by proclaiming the words which…
Is God your father? Is it evident in your life? Many, if not all of us have heard the expression, “Like father, like son.” This expression and the expression, “like…
“If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, that the truth will set you free” (John 8:31- 32, ESV). Are you…
There is a blindness in the world. In John 1:10, John wrote that even though Jesus came into the very world which He had made, it “did not know Him.”…
Have you ever missed the opportunity — You know, that “once in a lifetime opportunity” to do something or to purchase something? A lot of opportunities come and go. Sales…
When you and I follow Jesus, we aren’t just given a fleeting glimpse of life. No, our whole life is illuminated. One thing which served as a constant assurance of…
Do we want Christ's gifts without the Cross? Do we seek to use Him instead of asking Him to use us as He sees fit? If He does not rule over all of my life then He is not truly my King.
It is at this time of the year that the focus of attention for so many has been turned to the birth of our Savior. The airwaves have been filled with a multitude of songs which proclaim this
miraculous occasion, while television stations have pulled at our heart strings with a number of Christmas themed movies.But are we missing the total message? Is there more to the story?