Jesus Christ | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 6 Jesus Christ | Waverly Church of Christ | Page 6

“The future of society is in the hands of the mothers.” (de Beaufort) “Men may build cities and railroads; they span rivers and tunnel mountains. But the mothers of men are the builders of civilization.” (C.A. Stewart) “Mothers write on the hearts of their children what the world’s rough hand cannot erase.” (Anonymous
How many of us have been unwilling to forgive a person even one time when they sought our forgiveness? How many of us grudgingly forgave one time, but were unwilling to do so a second time? How many of us would have been willing to go Peter’s seven times, but set our limit there?
Compassion is to be shown to the regulars as we might consider them. Rebellious people receive compassion because of who God is, not what they have done, because of his grace, not because they deserve it, because he is just, not because they are right. Repentant people are shown compassion because they learn to fear the LORD, usually because of the punishment put upon them; when rebellious or disobedient people return to God and cry out for deliverance, God shows them compassion. God wants to show his compassion to you.
The question for each of us is simple: To whom will you prove to be a neighbor? Will you be the hands of Jesus by being a messenger of His compassion to a world that is lost and in great need.

Pass On Compassion

April 18, 2021
If you are a Christian, you have received God’s compassion and received Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins. Be motivated by God’s compassion to pass on compassion. Demonstrate God’s compassion through good deeds and teaching truth. If you are not yet a Christian, receive this information: God is compassionate. He loved you so much that he sent his Son to be a living example of his compassion. He demonstrated his love for you by sending his Son to die for your sins and your forgiveness.
God’s compassion is like that of a father for his children .“Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust” (Psalm 103:13-14).
We must seek to be gentle people, even in the most trying times. Not because we are weak or cowardly, but because we are humble, we have placed our strength under God's control.