The Marks of Greatness in God’s Kingdom | Waverly Church of Christ The Marks of Greatness in God’s Kingdom | Waverly Church of Christ

July 24, 2016

The Marks of Greatness in God’s Kingdom

Passage: Mark 9:38-50
Service Type:

Ambition is a good thing, provided we are ambitious for the right things. I have never heard a father say about his daughter’s marriage choice, “I like that young man — he is lazy and doesn’t have any goals in his life.” However, I have heard a father or two say, “I like that young man — he is ambitious and works hard. I think he will take good care of my daughter.” The real question, however, is this — is that young man and are we here today ambitious about the right things.

The disciples of Jesus were ambitious, but they were ambitious about the wrong thing — being the greatest in Jesus’ kingdom. So, Jesus took a small child, held him close and began to teach His disciples about “the real marks of greatness” — the things about which we should be ambitious in life.

This lesson will reinforce and point to two marks of greatness found in Mark 9:38-50.

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