The Lord Is In His Holy Temple | Waverly Church of Christ The Lord Is In His Holy Temple | Waverly Church of Christ

The Lord Is In His Holy Temple
September 22, 2024

The Lord Is In His Holy Temple

Passage: Luke 19:45-48
Service Type:

I believe that many of us have become desensitized in our reading of God’s Word. By this I mean that were we physically present when some of the things of which we read took place, we might have reacted in shock or at the very least great surprise. One such episode would have been Jesus’ cleansing of the temple. Imagine a large venue, the Court of the Gentiles, where there are cattle, sheep and turtle doves in various pens and cages. At each booth are those tasked with selling these animals. Also, there are other tables where men are busy exchanging foreign currency with the proper number of temple shekels. Suddenly, Jesus begins turning over the tables, opening  the pens and cages and driving both men and animals out of the temple. People are scrambling everywhere to gather up the monies which have been scattered across the  ground. Others are chasing down sheep and cattle, but giving up on the doves which have flown away. How would you have reacted to all of this?

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