The Greatest Gift of All | Waverly Church of Christ The Greatest Gift of All | Waverly Church of Christ

December 23, 2018

The Greatest Gift of All

Passage: John 3:16-17
Service Type:

What makes a gift the right gift?
a. Right price? To some extent, yes.
b. Right solution to a particular need? Of course.
c. Right motive? Certainly!

At first glance, it may seem easy to weave all three of these elements into the perfect gift, but in reality it isn’t easy at all.

There is a tendency these days for people to focus on the financial value of the gift more than the motive behind it or the particular need it meets.

Thus the need(s) it meets are more often superficial in nature.

Even our motives for giving may be deceptive — we give because it is expected, not because we cherish to opportunity to do so. However, I would like for you to consider the gift which God has given to us.

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