The Fountain of Living Water | Waverly Church of Christ The Fountain of Living Water | Waverly Church of Christ

The Fountain of Living Water
May 5, 2021

The Fountain of Living Water

Passage: John 7:37-39
Service Type:

Jesus promise of “living water” is still available today to those who have a thirst of the soul. It is a thirst which nothing else can satisfy — only the Holy Spirit. If you have a longing for something more in your life, I encourage you to seek the salvation which God promises you through His Son, Jesus Christ. When you come to God in obedient faith, turn away from your sins, confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and allow Him to wash away your sins in the water of baptism, He will give you a most precious gift — the Holy Spirit. Then you will have those “rivers of living water” to satisfy the thirst of your eternal soul.

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