Take TIME for Christianity! | Waverly Church of Christ Take TIME for Christianity! | Waverly Church of Christ

Take TIME for Christianity!
June 30, 2024

Take TIME for Christianity!

Passage: Ephesians 5:15-21
Service Type:

Have you ever regretted how you spent a day?  Maybe you have stated, “I don’t think I have accomplished anything today”? Upon evaluation, people may conclude any of the following: I have wasted a day. I have wasted the best years of my life. I have wasted so much time watching TV, playing video games, looking at my phone, and spending time with the wrong people, being in the wrong relationship, or working in the wrong career. We have the best of intentions to be better when it comes to managing our time. We know that we choose how we spend our time. We also choose the thoughts we consider when we think about how we have spent our time. By way of reminder: Today comes only once! Use it wisely! Instead of focusing on the time wasted, reinforcing regrets, delaying more action, or creating more pressure, think about the results you desire and act from a place of joy.

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