Shepherds of God’s Sheep | Waverly Church of Christ Shepherds of God’s Sheep | Waverly Church of Christ

Shepherds of God’s Sheep
May 1, 2022

Shepherds of God’s Sheep

Passage: Psalm 23:1-6
Service Type:

All of us have dreams and goals in life. Some are big, some are small. Some are short term, some are long term. If you are young it may be doing well on an upcoming test or in a ball game.
It may be getting the job for which you applied, or into the college of your choice. As we age, our goals and dreams center around our families and careers The safety and well-being of our loved ones. The ability to provide for our families. Toward the sunset of our lives, our goals narrow in their focus we want to take care of ourselves for as long as possible. We want to finish well and know that an eternal home awaits us. One of God’s goals is that we might all “be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). In order to facilitate this, Jesus continues to build His church. Today, I would like for us to look at one aspect of His church and how He intended for it to flourish.

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