As we continue this study of the word Elders, let us look at the term and seek to understand who they are. What must they be? And what our responsibility…
Our "One Word" study has recently been emphasizing words that tell about relationships. Our word for this lesson highlights men who serve the flock through building relationships that are necessary…
The term "Christian" comes from the Greek word CHRISTIANOS (khris-tee-an-os'). "Christian" appears only three times in Scripture, with all occurrences being in the New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter…
Satan has launched a major attack against marriage in our modern day. As Howard Norton has pointed out, "Marriage has become little more than an option or a joke for…
In thinking about godly mothers, I want us to consider a woman who as far as we know did not have children of her own. However, she was called "a…
One of the most beautiful words in all of God’s Word is the word we seek to examine tonight. It is the word “hope,” but it is not found at…
Heaven Is A Prepared Place. It is the kingdom into which the blessed of God are invited to enter at the last day. It has been prepared “from the foundation…
The resurrection of the body is a uniquely Christian doctrine. Throughout Scripture we encounter some who were resuscitated after having died but would eventually die again. Our focus should be…