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Holy Spirit

February 18, 2018
We have come to the the final study of the One Word Series and what a powerful word it is. Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the co-equal and co-eternal…


February 11, 2018
As we further examine the nature of God, we have another word to consider in our One Word study. It is the word Christ. A translation of the Hebrew M?šîah,…


February 4, 2018
More often than not we tend to view our heavenly Father through the same lens we have used to see our earthly father. If our earthly fathers have been godly…


January 28, 2018
Our word for this lesson is the word, sovereignty. Both the Old Testament Hebrew word and the New Testament Greek word from which we get sovereignty denote "a kingly reign."…


January 21, 2018
All of Jerusalem was buzzing with news of a man who was crucified. This news was no surprise, many people had been crucified, in fact two other men were crucified…


January 7, 2018
The word "Atonement" is taken from the Hebrew word kiper which means; to appease, make amends, make good. Our English word atonement is basically derived from the Anglo-Saxon; "a making…


December 17, 2017
Every accountable person needs to be redeemed. Man can be free of sin, free from the wrath of God, and avoid the despair of Hell. Man can be set free…


December 10, 2017
Last week we examined one of those words used in Scripture which is not a part of our regular vocabulary — the word justification. We have another such word to…