Everybody who desires to see Jesus can see his revelation in creation, see him in his word, and see the changes in others who came to see Jesus. Jesus comes to the rescue when his believing followers “go into all the world and preach the gospel.”
To say that God's power is amazing is an understatement. Our words and mental capacities can not fathom the power of our Creator. By just reading through the Bible it…
As we talk about being the hands of Jesus, someone might be misled to think that we intend for Christians to do the impossible. There were quite a bit of things Jesus did that we are not capable of doing.
Celebrations are an important part of our lives and our faith. God gave us feast and festivals for celebrating. Jesus gave Christians the Lord's Supper for celebrating the memorial of…
In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul lists for us that which he calls the “works” or “deeds of the flesh.” He tells us that those who practice such things will not inherit…
Did God not know that Abraham feared Him? Certainly not. God is omniscient, all knowing, thus, He knew exactly what Abraham would do. This test was not for God’s sake,…
If we are promised that we will know Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in heaven, does it not also make sense that we will know our loved ones?
Christians are urged to cultivate certain virtues which establishes greater blessings. Understanding that God supplies everything needed to meet His demands, Peter charges Christians with living moral and ethical lives…
The Bible assures us that God will create a new earth on which we shall live to God’s praise in glorified, resurrected bodies. On that new earth, we hope to…
“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!” (Psalm 32:1, NASB95) At the time David wrote these words, the amount of a debt which you might…