Those of us who are Christians enjoy a special privilege. When we put Christ on in baptism, the Lord added us to those who were being saved. This saved group…
Finally, we are going to examine how Jesus teaches us to make peace with enemies who show animosity because we are Christians or simply personal dislike for other reasons. Enemies…
The best hope for peace with the family comes from above. Don't listen to "family experts" whose own lives and families are a mess. Listen to the God of peace…
Jesus offers peace with oneself, or peace of mind; which is defined as the absence of mental stress or anxiety, also as serenity, calm, quiet, comfort of mind. Anxiety with…
Jesus died to break down divisions. The division between God and man, making peace with God. The division between man and man, making peace for mankind. What distinctions exist are…
In the Bible, the word peace is used to translate; shalom (Hebrew) which is completeness, soundness, welfare, peace. And eirene (Greek) that often refers to the inner tranquility and poise…