There are some things about the life hereafter which are mysterious, but other are perfectly clear. We will see Jesus! Are you one of His? Are you faithful? Is this…
How would you define prosperity? Jesus said that true prosperity is to be "rich toward God" (Luke 12:21). True prosperity is to have a prosperous soul. A prosperous soul walks…
The blessings which John declares "will be with us" come from both the Father and the Son. They are blessings which we all need; grace, mercy and peace. They are…
Have you ever noticed how we tend to identify people? He is the coach's son. She is the boss' daughter. She is Tom's wife or Mary's husband. When it comes…
Peter calls us to be even more diligent "to make certain about His calling and choosing you" (2 Peter 1:10). In other words, don't let God's calling you to Himself…
Can you imagine what it would be like to never really know who you are? This can be true for many Christians. They really don't know who they are, how…
How do you use the word "religious?" When you say, "He is a religious man," what is your standard of measurement? a.) He goes to church. b.) He plays golf…
Faith has at least two components. The conviction that there is a great unseen God who exists absolutely and does not depend on us in the least. And, the assurance…