Those of us who are Christians enjoy a special privilege. When we put Christ on in baptism, the Lord added us to those who were being saved. This saved group…
Throughout the world, those who call themselves Christians are suffering for their faith. In our own country there is a growing animosity toward those who profess to be followers of…
False teachershave plagued the work of God in every age in the history of the world. Satan was the first false teacher telling Eve that God did not really mean…
In the absence of certainty, there is always room for doubt and hesitation. This is Satan's garden and He tends it well. Consider the case of Thomas. He was absent…
The Bible teaches that election and predestination and involved in the process of salvation. In Romans 8:29-30 the apostle Paul writes of those whom God "foreknew, He also predestined to…
There is a hymn which our youth often sing a various youth functions, "I Am A Sheep". If you are a Christian today they you enjoy this special privilege, God…
What is the meaning of human life? How does a person find purpose for his or her existence? By what standard (if any) should a person measure his behavior? Should…
Think back to the time that you obeyed the gospel of Christ. Why did you choose to become a Christian? What reason or reasons were there for you to take…