It has been said that "Life with Christ is an endless hope, without Him a hopeless end." For those who are in Christ, they have every reason to hope! For…
Where is the faith, fear cannot abide. "Feed your faith, and your fears will starve to death." "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there." "Fear and…
Depression, like anxiety and boredom, is not something to be taken lightly; Many people suffer from it, including brothers and sisters in Crhist. It can have a debilitating effect on…
Solomon learned after a life of excess that this world has nothing lasting to off through exciting at first, it all proved "vanity" (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11). He then concluded that true…
When one has faith in Jesus; they are willing to change their patterns and conduct to reflect His teachings, and Believe in what He has done, is doing and will…
To the one who is willing to believe in Jesus, with a trust and conviction to do what He says, then "Faith Is The Victory!" There is certainly victory over…
I believe that faith in Jesus gives a person the victory to overcome the world. Whether that overcomes sin which separatesus from God or it overcomes sinful thinking that hinders…