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In his Parable of the Sower, Jesus addressed some reasons as to why we do not finish: a. For some, it is affliction or persecution which drives them off course. b. For others, it is the distractions and cares of this world which cause them to abandon the race. Only by putting things in proper perspective can we finish our course (Acts 20:24)
Are you a person who is sick and tired of sin in your life — the lies, the despair, the guilt and hurt? Do you want to live a transformed life with a renewed mind and true purpose? Perhaps you are a Christian, but you have been living a lie, and you are tired of it. You want to be real. You want to live a zealous, productive and blessed life as someone who has been saved from his or her sins. What should you do?
In these difficult times, if you haven’t already done so, I want to encourage each of you to pick up God’s Word. Read it. Meditate upon it. Let God speak to your heart and your soul. I promise you, it will make a difference in your life. Time spent in His Word on a regular basis will bring more benefit to your life than we can possibly fathom.
But, who are we? Paul says we are “earthen vessels”(NKJV, NASB95), “jars of clay” (ESV, NIV84). Long ago, Job asked God, “Remember now, that You have made me as clay” (Job 10:9). You and I carry about in our frail mortal bodies a light derived from the central source of light, Jesus Christ. Paul said that it is in order “to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us” (2 Corinthians 4:7b, ESV)