Seek the Blessings, Beware the Woes | Waverly Church of Christ Seek the Blessings, Beware the Woes | Waverly Church of Christ

February 2, 2020

Seek the Blessings, Beware the Woes

Passage: Luke 6:20-26
Service Type:

The Sermon on the Plain — or as Luke describes it “a level place” (v. 17).

Unlike Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) which records nine beatitudes, Luke only has four.

Luke also records “woes” along with the “blessings” but Matthew records none.

In this sermon, Jesus presents us with a profile of what someone who professes to follow Him is to be — in these thirty verses He calls out for true commitment.

As we look at the first seven of these verses, let us examine our own lives to see where we are at in our own commitment to the Lord.

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