Saint and Sinner | Waverly Church of Christ Saint and Sinner | Waverly Church of Christ

May 4, 2014

Saint and Sinner

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It is easy for us emphasize one side of David's character and ignore or minimize the other. The truth is, David did have many weaknesses. Can we imagine the selfishness David demonstrated when he took Bathsheba and committed adultery with her. Or the cruelty seen in his arrangement of her husband's "accident." How can such a man have written the 23rd Psalm or be called a man after God's own heart (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22).

David stands before us as a unique example of how sin can distort the best of men, and how the best of men deal with sin in contrition and confession. David stands before us as a testimony to God's love and goodness. God's grace reached out to David and forgave his sins. God enabled David for the task to which He called him.

Do you realize that God yearns to deal with us in the same way? For our sins, God has provided in Jesus Christ a full and free pardon. He extends to us forgiveness that blots out the past and opens up the future as well.

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