Repurposed Lives | Waverly Church of Christ Repurposed Lives | Waverly Church of Christ

Repurposed Lives
July 4, 2021

Repurposed Lives

Passage: Luke 5:1-11
Service Type:

Many of you know what it means to “repurpose” something — you, no doubt, have done it at some point in your lives. It means that we give something a new purpose or use. Many of you saved something — a piece of string, a twist-tie, a part from something — thinking, I may have a use for that someday. Tonight, I want to look at four of Jesus’ disciples, men who were fishermen, but later became “fishers of men.” When we look at Jesus’ disciples and how Jesus repurposed their lives. He can change men like Peter, Andrew, James and John and renewed them for the purpose of being fishers of men, The real question in all of this is will you allow God to repurpose your life?

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