Does Your Faith Make A Difference In The Way You Live? | Waverly Church of Christ Does Your Faith Make A Difference In The Way You Live? | Waverly Church of Christ

Does Your Faith Make A Difference In The Way You Live?
May 22, 2022

Does Your Faith Make A Difference In The Way You Live?

Passage: James 2:14-26
Service Type:

Tonight, there is a question I want to ask you about your faith: Does your faith make a real difference in the way you live? Almost 2,000 years ago, James, the half-brother of our Lord, saw Christians who moved right along in their lives with a bogus faith which made no real difference in the say they lived. In chapter 2, verses 14-26, of the only letter we know him to have written, James drives home about what makes faith real. In so doing, he demonstrates for us the relationship between faith and action. Listen to what he has to say. (Read James 2:14-26 )