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Committing to Christ

January 24, 2021
Why would we commit to Christ? Everyone wants salvation, but not everyone will make Christ Lord. Please give this question serious thought; will you commit…to Christ…for a new life that will be eternal? The choice is yours to make. God will honor your choice.
Christians are urged to cultivate certain virtues which establishes greater blessings. Understanding that God supplies everything needed to meet His demands, Peter charges Christians with living moral and ethical lives…


December 22, 2019
Upon hearing the noun “Christmas” everyone has an idea, their own understanding for what that term means. A basic definition for “Christmas” is given as follows: “the annual festival of…

Are You Ready?

November 17, 2019
2019 is approaching its end. 2020 is a year that exudes vision or sight and brings to mind thoughts of concern or preparation for the future. The dwindling opportunities in…
Everyone needs rest. Everyone desires to rest. The longer we go without rest, the greater our desire for it grows. From the beginning, physical rest is a prominent aspect of…