The seasoned Christian recognizes that spiritual growth is more important than numerical growth. This fact does not, however, steady our minds to keep us from being concerned about numerical growth,…
When reading through Scripture we find some diamonds in the rough—“Someone or something with potential or talent but lacking training or polish. This phrase refers to the fact that diamonds…
A weak conscience needs opportunity and training to be strengthened. A seared conscience needs attention and careful nurturing to bring it back to feeling. A defiled conscience needs to be…
Every hour is precious. Time is perishable and irreplaceable. Managing time is important. Therefore, make the most of your time walking wisely in the counsel of God’s Word. One precious…
Christians can be identified by; how they treat the people around them, by their love for others, by their faith, and how they obey God. How do we come to…
We have come to the the final study of the One Word Series and what a powerful word it is. Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the co-equal and co-eternal…
All of Jerusalem was buzzing with news of a man who was crucified. This news was no surprise, many people had been crucified, in fact two other men were crucified…
If you really are willing to die for Jesus, until you’re called upon to do so, will you live for Him? To live for Jesus, a person must live a…
Every accountable person needs to be redeemed. Man can be free of sin, free from the wrath of God, and avoid the despair of Hell. Man can be set free…
The story of Ruth unfolded “in the days when the judges governed [and] there was a famine in the land” of Judah (Ruth 1:1). Elimelech took his wife Naomi and…