Our Sorrow Is Turned To Joy In Christ | Waverly Church of Christ Our Sorrow Is Turned To Joy In Christ | Waverly Church of Christ

Our Sorrow Is Turned To Joy In Christ
May 4, 2022

Our Sorrow Is Turned To Joy In Christ

Passage: JOHN 16:16-24
Service Type:

How many people do you know who are pursuing happiness? Oftentimes our happiness is dependent upon fragile things which can easily be taken from us — health, spouses, children, jobs, homes, possessions. None of these are an adequate foundation for joy because of their transitory nature. In John 16, Jesus is preparing His disciples for the overwhelming sorrow which they will experience in a few hours as they watch Him be arrested, mocked, scourged and crucified. These men will be lost because they have believed Him to be the promised Messiah who was to come into the world. In this conversation which Jesus has with His disciples in the upper room, He says, for the second time, “A little while, and you will no longer see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me” (John 16:16). As we look more closely at what Jesus says, I would like for you to consider two things with me: a. The sorrows we all have in this world. b. The lasting joy which Jesus brings.

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