New Things
New things have a way of intriguing all people, both young and old. New products and new things are continually flooding the market. Some people spend all their time just looking for something new. Luke said, “All the Athenians and the strangers visiting there used to spend their time in nothing other than telling and hearing something new” (Acts 17:21). The insatiable curiosity of the Athenians allowed Paul to address them about the past, present, and future work of the one true God (Acts 17:24-31). The Bible speaks of things new and old. The New Covenant informs all people about the new way to approach God through the new birth. Which law do you want to live under; one that was made obsolete, that faded away by the surpassing glory of a new covenant, and could not take away sins, or a covenant that was built on better promises, which does not fade away, and takes away the sin of all who respond to it with obedient faith? If our pursuit is of the newest and greatest, then the New Covenant should intrigue us.