Living In Anticipation
I imagine all of us have had something in our lives for which we waited expectantly. Perhaps in your mind, it seemed like it just couldn’t get here fast enough. All of our children and grandchildren went through that phase in life when they couldn’t seem to open the presents fast enough. I have known of students who had on their phones a timer which counted down the days, hours and minutes until they graduated from high school? It is our anticipation of what is inside the package or what the future holds that makes everything leading up to that moment special. As Peter concludes his last letter to the Christians in Asia Minor, his focus is upon our Lord’s return and what it holds for those who are His faithful. This morning, as we look at these last nine verses, I would like for each of you to consider this important day, what it will entail, how we are to live in preparation for it, and Peter’s final words of exhortation for us all.