Life In Christ Changes Everything – Part Two | Waverly Church of Christ Life In Christ Changes Everything – Part Two | Waverly Church of Christ

November 11, 2018

Life In Christ Changes Everything – Part Two

Passage: Colossians 3:12-14
Service Type:

Like an old coat we take off, we have, as Paul wrote, “put off the old self (lit.“man”) with its evil practices” (v. 9). We replaced this old coat, “old self” with a new one because we are a new people: a. We have a radical change of lifestyle.
b. We are a part of a new family.

In the verses read for us today, Paul tells us what our new clothing looks like and that which is now to rule in our hearts and dwell within us.

The reason all of this is important has to do with who we now are: a. “Those who have been chosen of God” b. God’s “holy and beloved” people.

As we examine these things, ask yourself, “Are these things evident in my life?”

If your answer is “No,” then ask yourself a second question, “What needs to change in my life?”

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