Learning To Forgive As God Has Forgiven Us | Waverly Church of Christ Learning To Forgive As God Has Forgiven Us | Waverly Church of Christ

Learning To Forgive As God Has Forgiven Us
April 10, 2022

Learning To Forgive As God Has Forgiven Us

Passage: EPHESIANS 4:31-32
Service Type:

Have you ever been hurt, more than you ever thought you could. The scenarios are endless. Nothing tends to affect our relationships as much as an unforgiving spirit. Our continued anger, bitterness and resentment harbored against someone who has wronged us tends to dominate our lives. We may not even realize what it is doing to us. We may think the matter is over. Still, it is there, eating away at us, affecting our disposition, our physical health and the way we respond to others who may not have hurt us. What can we do about it?

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